Christmas Day found us docked at Nawiliwili. Kauai from 8-4:30. We had planned a riverboat excursion here with Roberts of Hawaii tours. Early that morning I checked my phone and found I had a message from the tour company saying that due to heavy rains during the night they had cancelled our excursion :(. I called them back to see if possibly they had anything else we could get in on but they were totally booked. You could see the beach by the port was muddied from all the rain. One of the downside of booking off ship is this.... and because it happened that morning we couldn’t find another ship tour to take. But we decided to get off and take the hop on hop off tour offered right close to the ship. All in all it worked out just fine and on Christmas Day we had a really good alternate tour visiting the Botanical Garden and the Kilohana Plantation. We spent several hours at the gardens and found them beautiful, serene, and full of hundreds of birds and waterfowl along with lush lovely flowering gardens, ponds and unusual plants. It looked like they were preparing for a musical holiday extravaganza that night along with a buffet and train ride. I could see where it was used for weddings and special get together year round. If I lived there I would find myself spending many days per month just wandering and sitting.
The plantation train ride was ok.... nothing too exciting but we did learn about the history of the plantation. They also had beautiful lush grounds and a historic restaurant that was decked out for the holidays. Lots of little specialty shops lined the driveway and restaurant entrance. Because it was Christmas Day many of those were closed.
Once we got off the hop on we spent a little time at the Anchor Cove Mall which sets beside the resort and beach area.
That night onboard we joined up with some folks we made friends with from New Zealand and Canada. These were folks we met through the Cruise Critic meet and greet. Of course our meal was wonderful and we enjoyed chatting about our day. Most of the entertainment throughout the ship was themed to Christmas. Santa came and passed out gifts to the wee ones right before the ship left the harbor. We have had a violin duo onboard which are excellent. There have been a good variety of movies under the stars too with nice padded loungers and red plaid blankets!! We just haven’t been that brave to brace for the cooler evenings and whatever is presented on the big screen is always on our TVs. The cruise line really has made it a very nice holiday sailing in every way. Our steward gave us a little stocking with candies and candy canes. We have been thoroughly spoiled!!

Most all stops had authentic musicians to welcome us!!

Botanical Garden.

Our map of the grounds..

Several of these beauties were here and one gal got them to eat out of her hand. They sold seed for a nominal fee and I got my share!

This was one of the highlights of my trip getting all these Zebra Doves feeding out of my hand!!
A video of my fun!!

The monarch caterpillars feeding on the milkweed!!

Beautiful hibiscus everywhere!

Dans always looking for a lizard, bird or critter!

Red Crested Cardinal.. outstanding!

Beautiful reflections

Interesting structures ...

Giant breadfruit trees

Muscovy ducks were hungry too!

We found the real money tree!! Ha ha

Old canoes served as planters along the shore of the lakes

Check out this reflection!

There were beautiful roosters everywhere and baby chicks scurrying to get some seed.

This was a live fresh cut bouquet by the banquet hall!!

An old photo of the train from the plantation times.

Our coach!

Original train depot for the plantation and tracks

Photo of the original plantation buildings

Dans ready to hop on!

Back at Anchor Cove..

Colorful is what Hawaii is all about

I could come back and stay here!

Got some great shots of this colorful fellow!

And this one

And these lovely plants

Merry Christmas to us 🎅🏻🤶🏻