Tuesday, November 7, 2017

October 1st, 2017 (PREVIOUSLY LOADED)

( I loaded this page a long time ago but somehow deleted it while trying to edit something so I’m reloading it and since I don’t know how to change the order of the entries it is showing up now!  So sorry readers! ) 

Today is embarkation day!!  Our flight yesterday to San Diego was great. We joined to new AZ friends on the SW flight and enjoyed talking about our preparations and excursions.  Our hotel was in a perfect location just three blocks from the port.  They picked us up with all our huge pile of luggage and gave us some pointers on what to do for the rest of our day. After settling into our room we ventured out to Little Italy and found a snack to carry us over till we would meet a group of cruisers for dinner. There was a big music fest going on down by the port and the music carried  clear up to our hotel!  A fishing vessel had caught fire Inc the port and the smell was disgusting. They told us to stay away from that area.  We strolled through Little Italy finding something to nibble on till dinner.  Then back to the hotel to rest up till dinner. We met 17 new friends at the Claim Jumper restaurant which is right across from the port.  I took name tags and some of my newly made business cards that Tessie helped me make. Making the cards was a headache for sure but proved to be a hit at dinner. The cards have our names, photo, room number, a map of the cruise and email addresses. That way folks can find you on the ship and can connect with you later f they want once you are off the ship. We had a fun time at dinner putting faces to names we have responded to on the cruise Critic roll call site for our cruise. Everyone thanked us for arranging this and putting it together. We all left about 8:00 and it wasn’t long before this girl was in her pjs and ready for bed. This morning we had a very nice comfortable momentary breakfast with eggs, ham, pancakes, all kinds of juices, coffee and tea with Hersey’s syrup and other flavorings available!!  There was all kinds of breads, muffins, bagels, croissants, yogurts and cereals.  It was just right for us. As I write we are in the lobby of the Best Western Plus Bayside on Ash street waiting for our shuttle to the pier 🚢.

And as I continue we are now in our cabin!!  The problem is now that I am unable to add any photos from my iPhone!!  It just keeps showing photos from over a year ago even though they are deleted from my phone and new ones are on!!  So I’ll just tell you that boarding was easy. We got right into our room. The emergency drill is over and soon we will sail off toward Dutch Harbor. It will take us 6 days to get there with no stops in between. I’ll try to figure out the photos and I will continue to take photos. We just heard from the captain that we won’t leave till 7 pm due to slow loading of supplies!! We have never heard that before. They call for swells of 12 feet and winds of 25 knots from the NW. w

We are going to stick close to the coast line rather than head more directly to Dutch Harbor so already we have adventure!! 

The ship looks very good with new carpeting, new upholstery and all decks refreshed. Our luggage is slowly coming and that’s good because we have four huge suitcases to unpack. Our bathroom is the biggest we have ever had and a bathtub!!  The Lido deck is smaller than we have had but the food so far is excellent. We have fresh sandwiches, sushi, a good selection for the salad bar and LOTS of ice cream!! How could Dan not be happy?!!

We have a sail away party scheduled with our AZ friends at sail away but most likely it will be dark and folks will be at dinner.  Tomorrow the cruise Critic group has a big meet and greet in the morning and we will attend that and put faces to names.

Send me good vibes for being able to post pictures and leave a comment.  If you have left a comment I haven’t gotten them so try again. I set the settings to allow any comments.  

It’s almost time for dinner!! Yummmmy

Our Journey!!

Breakfast area at the hotel in San Diego

Getting our luggage ready to take to the ship!

Oh room is ready for us except for putting those twin beds together!!  Ha ha

Look at that cute bathtub!  

Every day you get a new program with lots of things to do and information 

Just some ship photos before we set sail from San Diego
Our ship in a painting

Sunset as we take off for Dutch Harbor

Beautiful fresh flowers are a Holland America hallmark and they are everywhere and lovely

In case you forget what day it is they always have it in the elevators!  Sometimes we need that :)

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High Tea and Cricket Matches

Our port today is Bridgetown Barbados.  Dan says we have never been here so I guess I go with his memory which is much better than mine!  Fo...