Saturday, August 10, 2019

Tomorrow We Ride!!๐Ÿ˜‚โœˆ๏ธ

Tonight we are in a cute hotel in Spokane, WA with two large suitcases, two carry-ons, a backpack and my backpack and things strewn across the bed and floor trying to repack and apply the weight limits to our suitcases.  I already have my pajamas on at 7:18 pm!  Ha ha.  Just getting our camper stored, packing, saying goodbye to Todd and his family and getting our friends Mike and JoAnn Curtis to give us a ride to our hotel and join us for dinner has us pooped :).  

I think for a change Dan is ready for this trip.  Usually he drags his feet a little and I know he does these things because I want to do them.  But I think he is ready to recreate and kick back.  No cooking or planning, no driving or setting up the camper, and no packing and unpacking for 35 days!  Doesnโ€™t that sound enticing????  

Tomorrow we ride on that big Delta jet leaving the northwest and heading to the east coast.  We have a stop over in Minneapolis and arrive in Boston around 7:00 pm.  We stay at the Embassy Suites courtesy of the package deal we got from Travels With Alan our travel agent and have a free transfer to the ship.  

Here are a few photos from our time in Osburn; the Pulaski Trail hike and fun times with Zoey.  

Next posting will be onboard the Ms Zuiderdam!

Zoey getting the postcard we sent her loaded with photos of her ...

On her new bed quilt we got her for her bed in the shop loft !

Can you eat watermelon and ride a scooter??!!๐Ÿ˜‚

Her jazzy shirt she wore to breakfast ..

Loving the playground 

Ready to slide!!  

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High Tea and Cricket Matches

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