I’m going to add my photos and then tell you a bit about them. We did run into a couple from our Grand Africa Cruise, Teresa and Don at our last Sequim Concert featuring the city band. It was a surreal meeting. I noticed her first and then she saw us!! They also knew Ruth Macy. They invited us all to their house in Sequim for dinner that night. Ruth had a lot on her plate so she graciously declined but Dan and I went. I don’t have a photo but they have a large lovely custom home with a lush green lawn and flower beds that look like a botanical garden!! We talked for several hours and almost drank a large bottle of white wine! I’m not really into wine as many of you know but it just happened :).
This is a great Epilogue if you can expand it and read it.
The Beaumonts lived in this small one room cabin for almost 40 years!! It was moved from its original site in 1962 but built about 1887. Notice the crib at the end of the bed.
Entering the park early. They limit the number of cars in the park at one time. You can also park and go in by bus.
This is Hurricane Ridge.
This is the lodge they were constructing that accidentally burned to the ground this spring. It was replacing the original. No cause is known.
Still snow up here.
A guest was right behind the so not walk area and pretty used to us humans!
We took a short trail close to the ski hill that is there. I thought the sun ray was pretty cool!
Here is part of the ski hill. I couldn’t believe it was still in operation!!
Ski Patrol Cabin
And the wildflowers were outstandingly beautiful!!
Sequim is said to be in the Rainshadow which protects it and protects videos for a wonderful climate. They really don’t get much rain at all in fact it was very dry while we were there and our campground had to stop watering due to the level of water in the wells.
On a clear day we could see the mountain. On the weather they often said, “ The mountains out today!”.
We also went to Elwha and took a hike and a picnic
I wish you could show you more efficiently how huge this stump was!!!Both Dan and I could have stood inside it with two children!
Everything is mossy covered even the benches
The walkway to the falls was in good shape and shady.
The falls were running pretty well for such a drought. This is Madison Creek Falls.
You can see Dan in the background looking for critters!!

Lovely ferns and miss covered the area. The coastal influence here is beautiful.
Lovely ferns and miss covered the area. The coastal influence here is beautiful.
And I’m going to finish up todays blog with a photo of my granddaughter Zoey on her first day of third grade!! It’s a grade I taught way back when ❤️❤️😘
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