We finally made it to Hawaii after 5 sea days. The night before we got here the captain announced that we wouldn’t be able to go to Maui because of high winds since we tender there. A lot of folks were disappointed because they have never been to Hawaii and wanted to see all they could. We docked at a pier we have never been to... one that unloads us into a large warehouse like building. But still we are right in town. We spent our first day going to the Apple Store at the mall to download all the updates for our technology that kept us from using certain apps. We still had quite a long wait. We were there about an hour and a half. Another couple off the ship went with us and we bought the all day bus pass for $5. After the mall we walked to a PX with a military couple so they could get a few things. The weather was just perfect with about 75 degrees and a light wind. We were the only ship in harbor that day but still the streets were busy. Maybe there are lots of folks here for the holidays already but whatever it is the buses are packed to the hilt and you might have to wait for a second or third bus to actually get on. After the PX we walked around looking at holiday decorations and then we took a bus back to the ship area. We went into two different Walmarts looking for a few items we needed. I found three postcards to send to our Doc in Verrado and his nurses. I got those written and mailed off. By 5 my bad knee ( not the one I got fixed!) was talking loudly to me and I told Dan it was time to get back to the ship. We had arranged to meet with a few couples and have dinner and then go back into the city and walk around seeing the Christmas lights. We went off later around 7 with 4 other couples. The night was warm and beautiful and it was so fun to see all the families enjoying Santa, the lights and the decorations! The trolleys were all decorated too and the folks were riding around on them sungingChristmas songs and having a great time. By 8:30 we were heading back after walking many blocks. I took some pain meds and wrapped my knee is a heating pad; the pjs were on and by 9:30 we were in bed. It was great to have internet and get caught up!! We slept until 8 onThursday. Dan got us coffee and a little breakfast. By 10 we were off the ship and back into town. It was very very windy and dark clouds were looming. We walked up from the towers and they were having a big Christmas bazaar with open tents. Dan needed to download more things for his upcoming bird class on the ship so I wandered around doing a little browsing and shopping. I ran into all kinds of ship friends and we visited too. Finally we headed to Starbucks to have a warm drink and get out of the rain. Sure enough more folks we knewended up there too but it was all fun. We decided to take the bus for a ride around town but once again the lines were so long that we estimated it would take us at least 30 minutes to get onso we did a little more walking around the area and then decided to avoid more rain and get back onboard. By this time it was 2 and the ship was to leave at 7. We had a little lunch in the Lido dome areas the Lido was closed. We sat at on the back open air deck and watched the fighter jets take off along with a slew of passenger flights and helicopters with tourists. We thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing time and got in some good Zoey time talking with our kids as they are together in Destin. They are enjoying the beach, the parks and playgrounds. Aaronour son inlaw is onhis way to Australia to fight fire there for a few months. We were able to make some state side calls to take care of our other business also. Tonight is Aloha night on the Lido and it is getting all decorated with grass skirts, leis and Hawaiian decor. We are meeting friends for dinner and then we have a comedian show for entertainment. We should be on our way out of the harbor by then and headed east to San Diego. So this will be my last blog till we get home. I hope you have gotten a few laughs out of this and some enjoyment. As I review my photos I realize how amazing it has all been and how very lucky I have been to have experienced this. I’ve met some great folks and realized it’s ok to do little other than read :). Here’s hoping your last 80 days have had inspiration and enjoyment too.

This is where the PX was.

Black crowned Night Heron


Where we off loaded from the ship

A big warehouse versus other cruise terminals

Cool old type photos in the terminal

More terminal photos

I love these!

This was a statue we saw at night when we walked. I thought it was a real guy!!

Some of the different holiday decorations

Some of our group

A neat photo I thought

This one too with onlookers

Butterfly tree

Giant instruments



Our favorite server!
Zoey time :)
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